Rode 25 miles on the stationary bike for a total of 1,918 miles from home. Somewhere between Wowata and Walpole, Saskatchewan. Please. I want to leave this place. See the little prairie dog with the tiny bazooka? Well, in Canada he could not own that because it's against the law to own a firearm. Makes it much easier to control the populace if they just turn over and give up.
You know how, those of you who blog or keep journals, you get really excited when something cool happens to you or you get this incredible spiritual insight and you just can't wait to share or at least record it? That did not happen today. I am simply writing so that my posterity in the distant future will read this and say, "Wow. He had boring days just like me." Plus, I had a headache at work and they let me go an hour early. Took a nap, then fetched the elders and brought them back for Cindy's pull pork, homemade bbq sauce and slaw, and beans. They (and I) loved it. Then I took them home and swapped mission stories with them. Then I came home and sanded blocks of 2x6's for Cindy's Girls Camp craft event, then I rode my bike and lifted weights and watched the Joy Behar Show. I know, I know. She's a flaming liberal and flaming who knows what else, but she was talking about Joran Van Der Sloot and nobody else was. Hannity was screaming about Obama being an idiot and that's like yelling "Hey! Dog bites man!"
Then I came up here.
Now I'm done.
Tomorrow is a new day.
I am thankful every day that I get up, no matter how hard it is, and that when I flip the switch, the lights come on, and when I turn the knob, clean hot water comes out, and when I hit the button my breakfast cooks, and when I turn the key my car starts and takes me to my job, and when I get a migraine the pills take it away, and when I type I have fingers to do it, and even though my little toes hurt and Jamee laughs at them, I have three daughters and a wife who love me, and two of my daughters do NOT laugh at my sore toes.
JK, Jamee.
You're right I do laugh.
I'm the eldest one though, so you have to love me!!
Well, by the actual rules, I don't HAVE to love anyone. I do love you guys, though. You have made me what I am today. And that's how I'm going to place blame at the judgment day.
We are so excited to come and see everyone. I'll post my weird dream on my blog soon.
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