Even the water and ginger ale were great.
Here is Loni, looking almost as beautiful as she does in real life.
One funny thing happened.
Our serving team with Thom at the head was outstanding. He oversaw the whole operations. He had people pouring water for us, getting bread, taking away plates, brining things, etc. I had made reservations, walked in ten minutes early, they seated us right away. Thom walks up and in Kurt Bockoven's voice, with a shaved bald head, said, "How are the Boyds?" He had a goatee, but that was the only difference between he and Kurt. I tested him by teasing him about something and he shot right back at me in Kurt's high pitched smart alecky voice. Perfect.
Later, he asked if were were going to see a movie later and we said we were going to see Inception for the second time. Then he said, "You know, I have not been to a movie theater in years. My roommate always downloads movies so we watch them at home."
I was a little taken aback, especially with the goatee. I thought, "Maybe he is just the evil, gay Kurt...." Then the thought hit me, "No. KURT is the evil, straight Thom."
Oh, yeah. I can see that.
Here is Loni's Grandpa....
Rode 9 miles to take off absolutely no weight from last night, for a total of 2,482 from home. Wish I really were in the middle of the Custer National Forest.
I wish I were with you guys! That looks like it was amazing!!
Next time order something for me.
I'm not that jealous though. As I was at the HCJ concert.
HCJ? What is that?
Save up. The closest one to you guys is in Roseville, CA. It cost us $140 with tip. Our tip cost about as much as Mo and I usually spend on dinner at Applebees. Worth every penny.
I left a comment (probably an incredibly intelligent comment since it was from ME!) on my phone, but I guess it didn't take. I'll have to try to figure out my phone... Anyway, you both look MAHVELOUS on your Ruth's Crisp date! And if Thom reminded you of Kurt B (except for the gay part), he must have been an all-right guy. Glad you had such a great time!
Is it really "Ruth Chris"? I didn't double check before writing my last comment. Maybe it becomes Ruth Crisp if you order your steak extra-extra well done.
Oops. Still wrong: Ruth's Chris? What the heck? How does someone come up with a restaurant name like "Ruth's Chris"?! Not that I'm making fun of the name... since a dinner there is apparently out of this world and since a dinner there might cost more than Danny's monthly retirement...
Chris owned a restaurant in New Orleans in the 50's, I think. "Chris's Steakhouse" was famous for it's steaks. Then he was going to sell, and a woman name Ruth, whose husband had died, was looking to find a way to support her family. "I can do a restaurant!" So she bought out Chris, but wanted to keep the same name, more or less, because it was such a popular place. So she called it Ruth's Chris Steakhouse.
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