I worked my last of four midnight shifts last night. I get used to them after about four. Then I can start sleeping some. But today I had my final root canal appointment at 9 a.m. I came home and ate a bit, mouth washed, brushed and scraped my tongue with my tongue scraper (nifty little item), and drove out to the dentist. I did NOT drive onto the interstate this time but I had to concentrate on NOT doing since I was sort of tired. Made it in plenty of time. In fact, I checked in at 8:50 and by 9:10 I was high on gas. Before I got high, I took this picture of me in my NEW Princess Pink Pig Nose.

Turns out I had a really bad case. Last week was to carve out some infected tissue, and place some supports on the roots. This week was Hell Week. He had to manually drill with a little finger twisty drill thingy down through my cap, into the root and take out the calcified root and surrounding dead meat. Took him, get this, two hours to do it. He actually got a blister on his finger from doing it. But I'm guessing you can't use an electric drill as it requires too much finesse.
A poor man came who was hard of hearing and was shouting to everyone about his toothache and they had to shout back at him to ask questions and give directions. I know now that he got a tooth pulled, another one half filled, and that he opted to skip the root canal in favor of the pulling, because he did not have the $2000 it would have cost, but could swing the 300 bucks, give or take, for the other option, and that he had about $80 on his person right then.
The kicker:
(thumbs up)
Came home still numb (I said, I'm still numb! Oh, wait. Sorry.) and ate some mushy stuff and tried to sleep, but the numbing agent was wearing off and it was starting to hurt. I took a percocet and it has done absolutely nothing. I'm not even high. Cindy came home and I think she actually feel sorry for me a little. This is a woman who could have her head cut off and would just carry it in a bag to her church meetings. Too much to do to let a little thing like that stop her. In fact, she would not use a Walmart bag. She would get a little designer bag to look nicer at church and in case it happened again, she'd be ready. Walmart bags are so tacky, you know.
I'm not going to write more now. I already called in sick tomorrow. I am NOT carrying my head to work in a bag.
Hey - a bowling ball bag would be a good size and shape for carrying a head wouldn't it? Amazon.com have a Shrek one - if Cindy wanted to carry Boppa Boopy's head??
HA! That was my nickname at kung fu. Shrek. Not Amazon. It would the perfect size. Did you ever see "Mystery Men"? Great movie. Quirky. That very thing happened in it. And Carmen was nothing to be sneezed at as bodiless superheros go.
I knew adding you to the list of followers was a good idea.
Glad to see you moved up to the pink pig nose. I'm telling ya...if you gotta wear a pig nose, it needs to be pink! :) And this post just reminds me why I NEVER go to a dentist for a root canal...I go to a specialist. Don't feel a thing and don't even need pain meds afterwards. Night and day difference.
A specialist? You mean like "Joe's Root Canal Emporium"? or "Betty Jo's Pedicures, Liquitans, and Root Canals - Walk in welcome"?
Brian, you really need to work on your sense of humor. I mean, I'd like to read your blog entries and laugh, nay, smile. Tsk tsk tsk.
Also, Mystery Men is one of the best cult movies of all time. Never ask my brother to quote it. He will quote the entire movie. On second thought, ask him to quote it. Might teach you a thing or two about how to make people laugh.
P.S. I hope you know I"m joking.
P.S. This is a long comment.
P.P.S. I really think that ALL of the Boyds need to work on their senses of humor...
P.P.P.S...as in spread the wealth!!!!!!
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