
Best 5k time =
50:39 (Panther Creek State Park, Morristown, TN)
50:25 (Spanish Springs, NV)
47:16 (Knoxville, TN - Jingle Bell Run for Arthritis, 12/11/10)
46:29 (Knoxville Track Club, New Year's Day Run, 2011)


Total number of miles on first bike trip = 3,550
Visited: Morristown, TN; Chicago, IL; Thunder Bay, ON; Winnipeg, MB; Williston, ND; Billings, MT; West Yellowstone, MT; Ashley, ID; Jackson Hole, WY; Cokeville, WY; Ogden, UT; Draper, UT; Elko, NV; Spanish Springs, NV.

Weight lost since September 14, 2011: 8.0 pounds

Current trip: 310 miles
Neah Bay, WA; Beaver, OR.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Profound lesson learned

I applied for a job in Amarillo, Texas. I am prepared, I am more than qualified, I know the manager there. I am respected by him. I've done all that I need to do to earn the job. I got interviewed. I was one of the top two people. The other was a guy already there, and so I knew that some things were stacked in his favor.

I got notified this week that I did not get the job. I was disappointed, but I've been through this before, so I allowed two days to be a bit bitter, disappointed, and to vent. Then it's back to work

Fine. Two days.

On day three, I get told by a friend at work who has connections, that they did not choose the other guy in Amarillo. They appointed a woman from another weather office who has less experience and not as good a reputation as me. I also found out that it was partly because she is a woman that she was appointed. The interviews meant nothing at all. Now I'm really venting, being bitter and disappointed.

Then I found out also that her husband is a forecaster in an even different weather office. So she and her husband are lead forecasters in two different weather offices a few hundred miles apart. That has got to be very difficult for them.

She told them she would take the job if they would also move her husband to Amarillo. They agreed. Turns out that a further different person in Amarillo, had just been transferred to Houston. So that left two openings in Amarillo, for which she and her husband qualified.

Coincidence? I think not.

I prayed in the car on the way to work and told the Lord that I knew the story of the gardener by Hugh B. Brown and that I knew He was the Gardener and I was the currant bush, but it was still hard. I also told him that I knew I had preached and taught that He is a loving God who takes care of his children individually and provides each one with the circumstances best calculated to bring him or her eternal life.

I then said to him that I was still disappointed. Why did I have to sacrifice like this, again? I did not want to be blessed if it meant someone else had to be cursed, but I did not understand. He told me that this woman will grow more in Amarillo than I ever would have. It will be a profound growth experience for her to work with the boss there, widely considered one of the best managers in the agency. Also...and this is the kicker...she and her husband need to be together. It is not good for the man to be without the woman. The Lord had planned and orchestrated a series of events which brought them together in Amarillo.

I was thunderstruck. What a slick thing He did. I could never do it, even if I had thought of it.

So I have no problem sacrificing for these two I do not know. And in this small way I can be a savior on Mt. Zion.

I love God.


Cindy said...

That was a most profound statement. I am awestruck by you. I love you and the way you love the LORD. I'm so glad I married you thanks for marring me. Love you Hon

The Mrs. said...

Awe. Mom is sweet.

I love you too dad.

Also- As much as mo thinks that it would be a "FRICKIN' MIRIACLE!" I am praying for BOISE!!

Prayer is a form of work you know, and I am doing what I can in what I think is in all of our best favor!!


The Mrs. said...

I meant Mom. Not mo.

Jessie said...

Your example helps all of us see how the Lord works miracles; for us, and through us. Thank you.

Also, does Cindy know about Mo?

Boppa Poopy said...

Mom always has a positive attitude. Mo, on the other hand, is like that Mayhem guy or the bad credit score guy.

Laurie said...

It's like I'm watching Steel Magnolias-- the part where Julia Roberts dies and we (audience) are crying our eyes out, and suddenly Shirley MacClaine (spelling?) shoves Olympia Dukakis (is that her name?) as an offering to be a punching bag. We (audience) were in the middle of a tender, heartfelt sob when that happened, so we (audience) did this really loud indescribable sound that might be something between the sob (already in motion) and a belly laugh. That's what your post did for me, BB, once I read the comments. I was touched beyond anything reading your words, and then I read the comments about mo and Cindy's comment about marring her (which you have)! I could talk for hours about the content of your blog-- about trials and the Lord's will and that sometimes life really is hard but you know and trust that H. Father knows exactly what He's doing-- but I talk too much, so bye. And thanks. You reminded me that our own unemployment homeless situation isn't the end of the world and that hope is always here.

Loni ♥ Simply Me said...

Thank you, Dad. I'm so glad we can have our talks about the gospel. You truly uplift and inspire me and I hope I can do a little of the same for you. We all are little current bushes, and I can testify that being "broken down" or "pruned" is what humbles us and makes us stronger. Hang in there! Just remember your family is always here for you. We love you! BTW, I'm praying on Boise, too! Even if it's a "freakin miracle!"

Boppa Poopy said...

Thanks, Loni. I enjoy our talks more than you can probably understand. I look forward to the day when we can ALL sit down together and talk. In the meantime, you and I can go out to dinner Friday night and not tell anyone where until we pay the check. Er, I pay the check.

Cynthia said...

I can only guess (hope) that Boise being a "freakin miracle" is another job possibility. If so, we will add you to our Boyd job prayer list. Danny still gets top billing though...